I solved it, so just wanted to post the solutions. I did not solve on my own, took the help of Google :-) .. I am not a geek to know Latin, German, and Spanish numbers. But the hints to the puzzle are pretty simple. You have to think, needs simple logical (not complex) thinking.
Lets start with page one. This is what the description of the page.
To solve this puzzle you will have to find secret files on our server. HINT - This is page number one. That should be pretty obvious, because it has the numeral "1" above. But there's a problem... there is no link to page 2! How on earth will you find page 2 without a handy link taking you to it? You have to think like a hacker! To get to page 2, you'll have to play around with the web address (URL) of this page. Change it a little, then go there. If you're right, you'll get the next page. If you're wrong, you'll get an ugly error message.
Displays 1. So the hint for the next level is numeral (2).
Page 2 - Displays two. Hint is it is written in alphabets. so the url to the next page would be three.
Page 3 - Displays iii. Hint here is roman numbers. so the url to the next page would be roman 4 (iv).
"What I have figured out - The hint is what it displays on the page. The next page would be the next number in that form."
Page 4 - ruof - Four written from the back. evif
Page 5 - ffiivvee - In the word five, each alphabet is written twice. ssiixx
Page 6 - 666666 - Number 6 is displayed six times. (If number 6 is displayed 6 times then seventh page is number 7 displayed 7 times)7777777
Page 7 - uranus - is the seventh planet among nine planets. Eighth planet is Neptune
Page 8 - acht - Eight is called acht in Dutch. Nine is called Neun.
Page 9 - sept - September is the ninth month of the year oct
"What I have figured out - Every hint is related to numbers in increasing order."
Page 10 - Playing card with number 10. The series of cards is 1 to 10, Jack, Queen, King.
Page 11 - eLeVeN - The trick is alternate letters are in capital. tWeLvE (Earlier I thought web pages are not case sensitive.)
Page 12 - 144 - Square of 12. square of 13 is 169
Page 13 - This page is kind of tricky. At one stage I thought the game is over. But then somehow I got a doubt because all the pages were white and this one was black. I just dragged my mouse and then I saw the hint :) number13. Obviously the next page is number14
Page 14 - catorce - is the number is Spanish. 15 is called quince.
Page 15 - buchanan - is the 15th president of united states. 16th president of united states is Abraham Lincoln.
Page 16 - sedecim - is called 16 in Latin. 17 is called septendecim.
Page 17 - 10001 - 17 is represented in binary as 10001. 18 is 10010.
Page 18 - argon - is the 18th element in the periodic table. potassium is the nineteenth element in the periodic table.
Page 19 - ojofuffo - 19 is ojofuffo minus one alphabet to each letter, and twenty minus one you get uxfouz
Page 20 - icosagon - is 20 sided pentagon. 21 sided pentagon is called icosihenagon.
Page 21 - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,....,10946 - Fibonacci Numbers. The 22nd Fibonacci number is 17711. (I don't have that much energy to calculate 22 Fibonacci numbers. I wrote a simple java program to find out this :-)).
Page 22 - Aoozy, Booyy, Cooxy,.....,Vooey - this is some series. I observed first letter is capital letter. 2nd, 3rd, 5th letters are the same. The first letter is increasing in alphabetical order (A,B,C,D,...) and fourth letter is decreasing in the alphabetical order (Z,Y,X,W...). So After V it is 'W','o','o' are the same, before E is 'd' and 'y' is same. Combining all these letters forms 'Woody'.
And all I see is the granny dancing. Yahoo! I solved it.
great puzzle, thanks for the url, tried it out without reading how you did it. it was GREAT
Thanks for the url to the Puzzle, it was great.
Tried it without reading how you figured things out, then came back to read...
Not a Problem. When I tried it for the first time it was fun, so thought I would post in my blog :-)
Were you able to solve it???
Yes, solved it and gave it to some friends to try out
Ha ha ha ha ha!
That was some fun. Now I know Woody! That was actually tiresome, had to close your blog in order to get over a strong feeling of looking at the next hint. But hey, solved took 35 minutes though:-(
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