My trip to Chicago and Pittsburgh was awesome, but my flight journey to Chicago was terrible. A long story ... bad weather in Chicago ... airports were shutdown ... flights got canceled ... luggage was missing blah blah blah ... This is the second time I am visiting Chicago, but I never went to heart of Chicago (downtown) earlier. The view of Michigan Lake and downtown from the entrance of the aquarium was amazingly beautiful. I just loved it. We went to the top of Sears tower and for me it was thrilling, to stand on 10x'th floor and viewing Chicago.

My Pittsburgh trip was also good. We all know there is a famous temple in Pittsburgh.Apart from that, there are botanical gardens and parks which are worth visiting. I visited 'Phipps', I took some pictures, they are awesome. The glass work in the garden is phenomenal. I also enjoyed the cruise organized by Gateway Clipper Fleet. The duration on the cruise was 2 hrs. with dinner served, it was so romantic. The cruise took us to the intersection of three rivers Allegheny, Mahogany and Ohio at sunset. It was beautiful sight. Will post pictures soon.

Its good to have break occasionally from the usual routine work. I used to believe that we do not know the value of good time if we did not have bad time in our life time. This is something my mom used to teach me from my childhood, and that is true in my case. Its good to have certain small pleasures in life.
Wonderful photo's. Await the posting of more soon.
nice blog..gr8 pics...
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