Wednesday, October 3, 2007

For Fun

Well trying to hard to start the post :D

Anywayz here's one joke:

I was supposed to go to meeting at 10'0 clock, so I got ready with the information and notes by 9:45AM. I still had time, so was talking with other colleagues. One of my colleague had to make a phone call, I guess to the Customer Service of some XYZ bank.

You probably know how Customer Service people verify whether you have authorization of the account blah blah... blah. Its pretty common that Americans some times do not understand our typical desi accent. I will not specify the actual name of the person, but lets say his name is Mithun/Seema. We usually explain our name to Customer Service people as M for Miami, I for Indiana or something that is common to everyone. Guess what this person explained ... hahahaaaa ... M for Mithun/S for Seema :-)

It seemed veryyyyyy funny, the way he explained his name. This is situational comedy, it could be fun or may not be. To me, Yes it was!



Nethead said...

Wonderful post. Keep these up.

Nethead said...

Please keep up the posts, really enjoy reading them.

Nethead said...

Been awhile since the last post, any news?

Nethead said...

Happy belated Birthday!!