Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 2014

Wish you a healthy, wealthy, and prosperous happy new year!

Been couple of years I wrote something on my blog and I doubt if anyone is following it.

2013 wasn't all that great and not bad either. For me personally, it was all about waiting for new cycle to start, lift hopes up it will happen this cycle and feeling bad on failed TTC cycle and it continued on and on. I haven't given up hope yet but I guess I am slowly coming to the terms of it. I see tiny light at the end of the tunnel, hope it gets closer soon. If not soon, I may give up on it. Praying everyday for that to happen. Despite all this, DH has been very supportive through this journey.

Shooing that thought away its all good professionally. I am working with the same company, and same group for long time now. It will be close to four years. I did not think I would stay that long but hey, I am lucky to work with good group here. We may not getogether often like I used to in my previous job but people are warm, they give respect and most importantly they don't step in my personal life.

May be people in my boat can understand better, I am not eager to make new friends, keep contact with old friends merely because I failed TTC. I don't accept it in front of my DH but it definitely took toll on me despite having supportive family. I have become very sensitive on this issue, I don't have the emotional strength to talk it out with others. The moment I think about it tears start rolling.


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