Wednesday, October 3, 2007
For Fun
Anywayz here's one joke:
I was supposed to go to meeting at 10'0 clock, so I got ready with the information and notes by 9:45AM. I still had time, so was talking with other colleagues. One of my colleague had to make a phone call, I guess to the Customer Service of some XYZ bank.
You probably know how Customer Service people verify whether you have authorization of the account blah blah... blah. Its pretty common that Americans some times do not understand our typical desi accent. I will not specify the actual name of the person, but lets say his name is Mithun/Seema. We usually explain our name to Customer Service people as M for Miami, I for Indiana or something that is common to everyone. Guess what this person explained ... hahahaaaa ... M for Mithun/S for Seema :-)
It seemed veryyyyyy funny, the way he explained his name. This is situational comedy, it could be fun or may not be. To me, Yes it was!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Surprise this weekend
How would you feel, when you get a call in the midst of a farewell party and you are asked to check your apartment, because somebody was waiting for you whom you would never expect, and that person is the most dearest one to you personally. It was a very nice experience to me.
It was 11:30 in the night, I got a call from my cousin to return to the apartment to meet a person who has been waiting for me. I was kind of reluctant to leave the party because it was a farewell party for my friend who got a job in other state, and it was night to go alone. Somehow, I managed to come to my apartment, I didn't find anyone :-(. I thought it was my cousin's prank. I went to my room, and was shocked/surprised (mixed feelings) to see another person in my room. That person was the dearest and the most lovable person so far, in my life. I was speechless for few moments, but then I was jumping out of joy :-)
That was my weekend.
Things I learnt today
- Danke in German
- Gracias in Spanish
- Merci in French
You are welcome - Prego
See you again - Ciao' in Rome
- au revoir in French
hehee ... nice to learn new things :)
Now-a-days I am exploring flickr, its nice to see the pictures of others, appreciate their pictures and getting appreciations from others.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I was reading newspaper in the metro. There is an article that is published in the newspaper about Emoticon that said " :-)
Twenty-five years ago, three keystrokes - a colon followed by a hyphen and a parenthesis - were first used as a horizontal "smiley face" in a computer message by Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott E. Fahlman, the university said". I was thinking about the professor, how creative he would have been, and then I got a doubt, is there a specific order for the keys on the keyboard or they are just arranged randomly. The order of keys on the keyboard were arranged to increase the typing speed to 100 words per minute on the type writer.
One of my colleague gave me some information about the keyboards that the key Return on the type writers keyboard is in turn replaced by Enter on electronic keyboards produced by IBM and later on special keys like function keys and number pads were included on the keyboards.
Isn't it exciting to know such stuff. To me yes it is, because I didn't know this earlier. Its good to know things we do not know about.
Will come up with such interesting things soon.
Monday, September 17, 2007
My vacation trip
My trip to Chicago and Pittsburgh was awesome, but my flight journey to Chicago was terrible. A long story ... bad weather in Chicago ... airports were shutdown ... flights got canceled ... luggage was missing blah blah blah ... This is the second time I am visiting Chicago, but I never went to heart of Chicago (downtown) earlier. The view of Michigan Lake and downtown from the entrance of the aquarium was amazingly beautiful. I just loved it. We went to the top of Sears tower and for me it was thrilling, to stand on 10x'th floor and viewing Chicago.

My Pittsburgh trip was also good. We all know there is a famous temple in Pittsburgh.Apart from that, there are botanical gardens and parks which are worth visiting. I visited 'Phipps', I took some pictures, they are awesome. The glass work in the garden is phenomenal. I also enjoyed the cruise organized by Gateway Clipper Fleet. The duration on the cruise was 2 hrs. with dinner served, it was so romantic. The cruise took us to the intersection of three rivers Allegheny, Mahogany and Ohio at sunset. It was beautiful sight. Will post pictures soon.

Its good to have break occasionally from the usual routine work. I used to believe that we do not know the value of good time if we did not have bad time in our life time. This is something my mom used to teach me from my childhood, and that is true in my case. Its good to have certain small pleasures in life.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
One of my colleague, also a good friend of mine is leaving the project soon, and best friend of mine lost the project because of insufficient funds. This made me write this article. Both of their situations reminded me of one of my friends saying " We are traveling on a rocky road, we do not know which rock is on our way that stops us". Don't you see there is a similarity between this rocky road and our contracting life. If you are asked to terminate the project you have to, even though you have been working for them for couple of years. This may not be true everywhere, but this is happening.
I was thinking about this from past one week. I see both good and bad in this. Good thing is that you will get to know many environments, you will see different kinds of people(managers) with different attitude if you change the projects and you can visit different places. Bad thing is that if you want to settle in one place I feel this is going to be a problem in consulting.
My philosophy about work - Many will be traveling on the road. If you slow your vehicle, nobody will stop/wait for you. In fact they cross you and move forward. Similar is our life/work. If we slow down, other people will grab our opportunity.
What do you say?
Friday, April 6, 2007
Hacker Puzzle
I solved it, so just wanted to post the solutions. I did not solve on my own, took the help of Google :-) .. I am not a geek to know Latin, German, and Spanish numbers. But the hints to the puzzle are pretty simple. You have to think, needs simple logical (not complex) thinking.
Lets start with page one. This is what the description of the page.
To solve this puzzle you will have to find secret files on our server. HINT - This is page number one. That should be pretty obvious, because it has the numeral "1" above. But there's a problem... there is no link to page 2! How on earth will you find page 2 without a handy link taking you to it? You have to think like a hacker! To get to page 2, you'll have to play around with the web address (URL) of this page. Change it a little, then go there. If you're right, you'll get the next page. If you're wrong, you'll get an ugly error message.
Displays 1. So the hint for the next level is numeral (2).
Page 2 - Displays two. Hint is it is written in alphabets. so the url to the next page would be three.
Page 3 - Displays iii. Hint here is roman numbers. so the url to the next page would be roman 4 (iv).
"What I have figured out - The hint is what it displays on the page. The next page would be the next number in that form."
Page 4 - ruof - Four written from the back. evif
Page 5 - ffiivvee - In the word five, each alphabet is written twice. ssiixx
Page 6 - 666666 - Number 6 is displayed six times. (If number 6 is displayed 6 times then seventh page is number 7 displayed 7 times)7777777
Page 7 - uranus - is the seventh planet among nine planets. Eighth planet is Neptune
Page 8 - acht - Eight is called acht in Dutch. Nine is called Neun.
Page 9 - sept - September is the ninth month of the year oct
"What I have figured out - Every hint is related to numbers in increasing order."
Page 10 - Playing card with number 10. The series of cards is 1 to 10, Jack, Queen, King.
Page 11 - eLeVeN - The trick is alternate letters are in capital. tWeLvE (Earlier I thought web pages are not case sensitive.)
Page 12 - 144 - Square of 12. square of 13 is 169
Page 13 - This page is kind of tricky. At one stage I thought the game is over. But then somehow I got a doubt because all the pages were white and this one was black. I just dragged my mouse and then I saw the hint :) number13. Obviously the next page is number14
Page 14 - catorce - is the number is Spanish. 15 is called quince.
Page 15 - buchanan - is the 15th president of united states. 16th president of united states is Abraham Lincoln.
Page 16 - sedecim - is called 16 in Latin. 17 is called septendecim.
Page 17 - 10001 - 17 is represented in binary as 10001. 18 is 10010.
Page 18 - argon - is the 18th element in the periodic table. potassium is the nineteenth element in the periodic table.
Page 19 - ojofuffo - 19 is ojofuffo minus one alphabet to each letter, and twenty minus one you get uxfouz
Page 20 - icosagon - is 20 sided pentagon. 21 sided pentagon is called icosihenagon.
Page 21 - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,....,10946 - Fibonacci Numbers. The 22nd Fibonacci number is 17711. (I don't have that much energy to calculate 22 Fibonacci numbers. I wrote a simple java program to find out this :-)).
Page 22 - Aoozy, Booyy, Cooxy,.....,Vooey - this is some series. I observed first letter is capital letter. 2nd, 3rd, 5th letters are the same. The first letter is increasing in alphabetical order (A,B,C,D,...) and fourth letter is decreasing in the alphabetical order (Z,Y,X,W...). So After V it is 'W','o','o' are the same, before E is 'd' and 'y' is same. Combining all these letters forms 'Woody'.
And all I see is the granny dancing. Yahoo! I solved it.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Going Home

I am just wondering if I miss this place :-P damn sure there is nothing to miss here except for the friends. Sometimes we never know unless we miss something. Ohh!! wait What am I gibbering. huh!!! Don't read this stuff and waste your valuable time.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The very first time I visited this lake, it was in the mid-of October. I thought I had never seen such beautiful thing in my life so far. But I missed my camera to capture the golden line on the sky, and the beautiful fall colors. I can feel the beauty of the lake with reflections of the fall colors in its clear blue water. It was amazing. Later I never got a chance to go to lake until the end of winter. In Winter, I can sense the silence of the lake, isolated, deserted, frozen, no ducks to give her company, waiting for someone to give/get company at the same time having its own time for herself.

The time has passed so fast, its already Spring. I see children playing around, cycling, people fishing, jogging, enjoying the nature (fresh natural air), capturing the beauty of her in the camera and some people enjoying the silence of the lake.

Isn't it similar to our lives ?? When we are isolated, feeling of wanting a company, being cut off and disconnected from our people, or when we have so many friends, that we are tired of partying and need time for ourself. Ahh!! I experienced both situations, isolated when I came far away from my house. I used to think "pal pal pal pal har pal kaise kategi pal har pal har pal" :-) and when I got so many friends, and had no time for myself, I wanted to run away from everyone hahaaa. So weird, if we have people around us, we try to run away from them and if we do not have company, we have a feeling of longing for a company. This is what life is :-)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Snow Yesterday

I know some people who try to intrude into our personal life. uhhhhh .... I wish there is a way to plow a person's nature of poking into one's personals.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Conversation between Child and God
I just loved it. I was cleaning my computer, I found these pictures. Wondered from where I got these.

Continued .........
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentines Day

Today is an adventurous day. Last night it snowed heavily and all the roads were not shoveled. I had to change the trains and catch buses :-(. Well, whatever I don't want to talk about that.
Even in this inclement weather, I see people carrying flower bouquets for their dear ones. First I thought they were crazy :-) That went past my mind with work. In the mid-afternoon my friend called me and said she received a flower bouquet and a teddy from her valentine. She was so happy and excited. Then that scene in the morning popped up, and of course with my creativity tried to imagine people happily spending time together.
That thought itself was rejuvenating and I was filled with happiness, at the same time I was gloomy, that I do not have any friend to receive bouquets, teddy bears or last but not the least chocolates. heehaw
Well for my type of a person, I think I am better off without a valentine. hahahahaaa
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Leave Application
An employee want to apply for a leave, and these are the possible ways of applying leave(Just for fun)
-- "Please grant me leave, Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one-week leave"
-- From an employee who was performing the "mundane" ceremony of his 10 year old son:
"as I want to shave my son's head, please leave me for two days"
-- From an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding:
"as I am marrying my daughter, please grant a weeks leave.."
-- "As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave" haha
-- From an employee who need half day leave:
"Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave"
-- From an employee who is sick:
"I am suffering from fever, please declare one-day holiday"
Enough of fun for now. Will post some of them in my next post
Friday, February 2, 2007
One Liner
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject " edited - all help" to depend are you free"
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Snow Again

I went for a walk, and went to some store near to our work place. I happened to see a truck that was sprinkling salt on the roads. I was wondering what was wrong with that. When I was returning something happened, and I almost shouted out of joy(it started snowing). Wooooooow, I love when it is snowing. I wish I was out in the snow but I have to return to my work, I felt very bad that I couldn't play in snow.
It is snowing outside, and I am sitting in the office, making every chance to get up from my cube and look at the window to see the snow. One of my colleague asked what was wrong with me. What would I say :-) heheeee
When I was outside, I tried my best to get hold of the snowflake. I strained my eyes to find the kind of snowflakes in this picture but to no avail. One day I will definitely take a picture of that :-D hahahaaaa
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Joke of the day
Well this is a situational commedy, but I was almost ROFL.
The commedy continues ............
This is a conversation between two people.
One: Somehow you gave me an impression that you stay with your parents.
Two: How did you get that impression.
One: I thought so because you are not married and blah blah blah....
Two: Well, Actually I am trying to find American parents who can adopt me. I have been asking Three to adopt me so that she don't have to raise me, who earns salary, who can cook well
One: Good thing, she doesn't have to change the diapers
hahaaaaaaaaaaaa ... isn't it funny.
PS: Two is also the person who asked where is the hand
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Mother's Happiness
How happy a mother would feel when a child is born, is it? I am very proud of my mother and I am happy that she is my THE best. I am nothing without her support in my life. Well, most of us are nothing without our parents. One of my friend gave birth to a child. I stepped into her shoes and was thinking about that and here is the outcome :-)
As a mother she wishes and she sings to that wish, as to celebrate her child's birthday for 1000 years. She thinks her child is still too innocent in this world(however old he/she is), as beautiful as spotless moon and prays and blesses as many times as there are stars in the universe. She gives us the gifts we do not expect, tries her best to give us comfortable life, and she thinks her child is the biggest gift to her in her life. Well, in spite of doing all this as a mother, she is still not satisfied but just hopes that her child should live more merrier and happier and celebrate birthday for 1000 years.
In my own shoes I would say, However let my child live happily as long as (s)he lives(I don't really wish thousand years hihihiii). I know its impossible to be always happy in this world, once in a lifetime in some way or the other the problem comes, I wish my child will have all the courage, confidence and determination to overcome that and lead the life as it comes.
This reminds me of something
"Lead the life the way it comes to you, but not the way you wish to be, because all the wishes cannot be satisfied"
Friday, January 12, 2007
Communion With Old Friends

    How nice is this fervor of getting in touch with old friends. Isn't it? As a matter of fact I found most of my friends from orkut. When I was in the verge of quitting I found my school friends. I couldn't explain my happyness in words. But I was all the more happy seeing my old friends, knowing their where-abouts. I got in touch with some of my bachelors friends too. I am happy though and now I try not to loose contact of my friends.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
New Year
   I wonder how fast the year has passed by. We stepped into another year.Hope this new year is filled with joy, peace, trust and everything we desire for.
   New year always reminds me of new hopes and aspirations and last but not the least resolutions. We think about what new habits we are going to project on and what bad habits we are going to give up. We pass through so many hurdles, experiences and may be we have learned many lessons and at one point of time we decide that we will not do that mistake again and as the time passes away sometimes somethings we forget. Why not, try to go back and think about things we want to give up, the waves of time that faded away, the things that cannot improve our personality and try to give up this new year.
   When I was a kid, everybody whom I knew, used to ask me what resolutions I have taken for this new year. I used to get irritated sometimes and tell them that I took a resolution that I will not take resolution again. I did that once, but later realized that I have done a mistake.
   I strongly believe that resolutions are not just taken for the new year, we can take them whenever we want to, but should be committed to our resolutions. Resolutions if carried out successfully not only act as short-term goals to success but also help in improving life, personality and overcoming those habits, which we ourselves do not like.
   What are we waiting for? If we do not have any resolution now, why not take one and try to commit to it so that the outcome of our resolution turns out to be advantageous and makes our life easier and happier.
Do u believe in this one liner?
" Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful "
I strongly believe in this. According to my perspective this is how it works. If you are happy then you are not absent minded and your body and mind will be focusing on the same thing. You have concentration on what you do. You will love the work you are doing and if you love what you are doing you will have strong determination towards it. If a person has strong determination, he can go any far to reach his dreams and aspirations. You will not deviate or get distracted from your path and if you go on your path, it will lead to success.
The ultimate goal of a person is to lead a happy and peaceful life. To have a happy life or to pursue happiness, every individual has their own set of perspective. I feel happy from different things, that may be spending my time helping others or if I achieve something I always dream of. But I always keep in mind that " I should be happy with what I have, even though my dreams and aspirations are high ". That doesn't mean that I stopped trying to reach my goal. Every success in life starts with the step and at one phase of life you have to step forward. For me my first step is to be happy and love the work I am doing. I believe happiness is not just earning money, but comes from the joy of achievement. We all live with the object of being happy, though our lives are all different yet the same.
In this practical world, I know its pretty hard to be always happy, but may be can give it a try.
PS: This is not to hurt anyone's feelings or to argue with anyone. These are just my feelings. You can feel free to drop few comments on my perspective and correct me if I am in misconception.